Saturday, January 19, 2013

Scenes from a Life (and a Book)

At this point in my life as a writer, I find myself in the midst of a major paradigm shift. As a woman who would prefer to simply stay in my cave and write, connecting with readers through social media on the internet is a new and life altering concept. I’ve always known that there is a need to reach out, to build “a presence” out there, but until recently, I haven’t really understood the value of the internet or what it really means to connect with it. Where do I begin?

At the suggestion of my marketing mentor, I’ve begun sharing photographs and posters that are representative of emotional scenes from my books. I‘m beginning with A Solitary Life which lends itself to a wide spectrum of feelings as it moves through the life and childhood memories of my heroine, Mary Margaret. I’m hoping that the snapshots will resonate with readers and begin to make the connection I long for. And I do mean long for. I didn’t realize until I began posting the photos how important it has become to me to share Mary Margaret’s story. And I had no idea how readily people would respond to the photographs. My post views on Facebook went from a high of 53 to 25,480 from one day to the next. I have to admit, I was surprised--and happy.

Inside all of us is a child who needs a hug and an encouraging word.
Today I wish you hugs, love, and happiness.

Tapping into the emotional side of my work has opened up a new way for me to look at marketing as well as the internet. I’ve been thinking along very hard and clinical lines, looking for ways for readers to see my books rather than feel them. I’ve come to realize that my thoughts have been old-school when it comes to the internet, too. I’ve been thinking about it and using it as an information-gathering tool, as a place to find recipes, movie times, and directions rather than as a place where people gather to share ideas and feelings. The information highway of the past has become a stopping point, a place of rest and friendly faces, a place to discover scenes from a life and the stories they tell. So, I’m redesigning my website with an eye toward connection rather than information and putting more feeling into my posts.

Today I wish for you (and me) a new vision and a renewed sense of connection to the world be it real, fantasy or virtual. (And happy writing!)

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